Where I'm At (via Loopt)

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Definition of "CovariantGemini"

Back when the Internet was relatively new and only the geeks were online, I decided I needed an "identity" that would stand out amongst the digital masses. I scoured the dictionary and some old science and math texts looking for a unique word that could be interpreted in an unusual way. After weeks (maybe months, I don't remember now) I stumbled upon and immediately adopted the mathematical term "covariant".

First, what does "covariant" mean?
Covariant n. (Higher Algebra): A function involving the coefficients and the variables of a quantic, and such that when the quantic is lineally transformed the same function of the new variables and coefficients shall be equal to the old function multiplied by a factor. (Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc)

Um, yeah...ok...so how does that apply to the name?
In the figure below you will see the function involving the coefficients and variables (A) which are all the many things that make me who I am. I am the quantic (B), which by definition is a homogeneous polynomial having two or more variables (believe me...there are many more than two variables that make me who I am). When I am lineally transformed (C), or rather as I travel down the path of life, the variables and coefficients of the new function (D) are equal to the old function. I'm still me, multiplied by a factor (F).

Basically, life changes the things that make you who you are

...but you are always still YOU!

The "Gemini" part is easy:
I'm really not that into astrology as a whole, but I do believe in the traits that are borne by the signs. In keeping with the duality of Gemini I am extremely varied in my traits and interests. Everything about me has two sides and I find that I can make the most of both including both sides of my brain. My moods vary and I am very complex.

Left BrainRight Brain
HomebodyParty Animal

Make sense now? It's ok if it doesn't...

It's complex, like me. It's unique, like me. Welcome to the world of CovariantGemini!

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